11/15/2020 - theStride - Veteran Reflection

AO: theStride

When: 11/15/2020


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names:

Bath Salt, Sous Chef, Toby, Elmer Fudd, Cupid, Pony, Dollarstore

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: None

QIC: Dollarstore


With Veterans Day occuring this week, we spent some time reflecting on the Veterans in our lives. Our rep count was a reminder of the 22 veterans whontake their own lives each day.


Little Baby arm Cirles x 22 forward, 20 reverse (Q accidentally stopped short)
Grass grabbers x 22
Imperial Walkers x 22

The Thang

Walked 1 mike in quiet while reflecting on a veteran in our lives. Each mile stopped and did 22 movements (10 mercans, 10 squats, and 2 burpees). Second mile we shared about the veteran we had been relecting upon. We then enjoyed some 2ndF time while we completed the 5 mile ruck.

Circle of Trust

Prayers for goluys recovering feom various runs and CSAUPS. It has been a year of training and acceleration. Now we need to heal, reset, and close out 2020 strong. Prayers of peace for families with young ones who are stressed about potential school closings, home schooling, and the stress that can create.

Naked Man Moleskin

The PAX started the morning relectively and finished by sharing some of our burdens. No one man can carry the weight of his worries, job stress, family leadership stress, and financial stress alone. I encourage each of you to find a PAX whether it is a single conversation or a periodic shieldlock and open up about your burdens. You will find they are not nearly as heavy when you distribute the weight.

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