08/02/2019 - Doughboy - Bearway to Heaven
AO: Doughboy
When: 08/02/2019
Number of Pax: 10
Pax Names:
Malty, Shredder, Sparky, Banana Boat, Bait, Slapshot, Taps, Dollar Store, Shrink
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: N/A
QIC: Rocky
There’s no way to heaven like the Bearway to heaven
High Knees, Ass Kickers, SSH
The Thang
Mosey to reflecting pool, and Boo Boo Bear/Big boy sit ups or merkin flapjacks
Sideways bear crawl up the reflecting pool stairs
Mosey all the way down the hill.
Bear crawl up the stairs with 10 merkins 10 squats x2
mosey back to the lawn with bear crawls up all stairs back up the hill
Grizzly bear burpees and bear brawls on the lawn
Bears and blocks with 15 LBCs with partner (flapjack)
Mary – windshield wipers and James Bonds
Circle of Trust
prayers for Malty and Slip N Slide to heal and get back to us
Naked Man Moleskin
Q4 for Rocky this week – getting tired. Happy that #5 is tomorrow
Killer BD Rocky! I’m feeling it now for sure. I bear-ly made it up the stars when I got home!