12/30/2019 - EyeofTiger - Dora – Bear and Back again
AO: EyeofTiger
When: 12/30/2019
Number of Pax: 6
Pax Names:
Rocky, Cousin Eddie, Elmer Fudd, FNG (Gump), Chief, Dollarstore
Number of FNGS: 1
FNG Names: Nate Smith (Gump)
QIC: Dollarstore
6 PAX braved a cool Monday morning in the gloom to get stronger together. As Cousin Eddie pointed out, “At least somebody turned on the fan this morning!”.
Grass Grabbers x 10
Run to track
Windmills x 15
Run 100 yrds
Imperial Walkers x 15
Run 100 yrds
Seal Clap x 20, Arm circles x20 forward,x15 reverse
Run 100 yrds
Motivators (start at 10)
The Thang
Dora – Bombs
Bear crawl to 10 yrd line; crawl bear back flapjack
50 burpees
100 overhead claps
150 merkins
200 big boy situps
250 squats
Bear crawl to the other endzone until 6 picks you up.
Circle of Trust
Murph on New Years Day at Harmony Elementary. Thanks to the sky Q for bringibg us together and making us stronger together.
Naked Man Moleskin
Good to have Rocky back from his DR adventures. He reminded us all that we should not jump on a car that is the process of being stolen. Also, Hollywood stunt men are studs. Normal people don’t stick to car hoods.
My bad, FNG was Nate White (Gump). EH was by Elmer Fudd.