12/08/2020 - Ringer - Small Cell Phone (Because I’m short)
AO: Ringer
When: 12/08/2020
Number of Pax: 12
Pax Names:
Boy R Dee, Rocky, Spam, Tonka, Point Dexter, Dollar Store, Cupid, Half Baked, Mosby, Toby, Stapler
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: 0
QIC: Mr Pink
Being only my second Q I tried to keep things exciting and different for the PAX while pushing to the limits much like Will Ferrell’s characters in SNL. All PAX had the option to modify a workout with their best interpretation of Gene’s Cowbell from SNL.
Moseyed to the North side of the complex where we did some Hamstring stretch, grass grabbers, baby arm (forwards & Backwards) coupled with 2 hill sprints. On top of the hill we did 25 squat jumps and 15 Bonnie Blair’s.
The Thang
To start we did a pyramid circuit:
30 sec of Mt Climbers – 5 count
30 sec of Mt Climbers + 30 sec of 1/2 burpees – 10 count
30 sec of Mt Climbers + 30 sec of 1/2 burpees + 30 sec of Bonnie Blairs – 15 count
30 sec of Mt Climbers + 30 Sec of 1/2 burpees + 30 sec of Bonnie Blair + 30 sec of Merks.
Moseyed to a hill for 3 circuits
1) 50 box jumps, bear crawl up hill, B2W with 20 shoulder taps (2 = 1), Imperial walk to bottom.
2) 25 dips, Backwards Sprint up hill, 50 LBCs, Hill Billy Walk to Bottom.
3) 10 MMA’s (1 diamond/1 merk/ 1 Wide pushup = 1), Sprint to top, 50 Freddy Mercury’s.
Moseyed to parking lot for some Jack Webb’s. 1 Merk + 2 Raise the Roof, 2 Merk + 4 Raise the roof all the way up to 10 Merks & 20 Raise the Roofs.
Ended with some Ankle Grabbers.
Circle of Trust
Prayed for Point Dexter’s friend Jamie’s father Jim who recently passed away.
Naked Man Moleskin
My goal is to push the PAX to the limit while having fun and being a little sore the following day.