11/30/2020 - EyeofTiger - Let’s Run

AO: EyeofTiger

When: 11/30/2020


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names:

Sprouts, Rocky, Steamroller, Poindexter, Jenny, Kurds, Canon, Marge, Pony, 2 Way, Gump

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N?A

QIC: Gump


YHC took some time off F3 to prepare for a marathon last weekend. Now we’re ready to get back to posting regularly and grueling beatdowns.


SSH, Merkins, Copperhead Squats
Jog to track

The Thang

Started with a 400m dash. PAX as they finished were assigned numbers based on their finish. Split PAX into three groups. Ran a second 400m and the last person in each group was assigned a task to complete while the remaining members ran a second 400m, and repeat until only one is left. Tasks included burpees, no surrenders, and merkins. PAX ran between 2 and 4 laps depending on finishing position.

Mosey to goal line. 100 yard bear crawl.

15 year 5 spot x 3

Mosey to goal line, 25 yard stride, then sprint remaining 75 yards, run back to parking lot.

Freddy Mercury’s, ankle grabbers, LBCs — three rounds worth to finish off. Passed to Rocky for buzz saws. Rocky then chose monkey humpers to end the workout.

Circle of Trust

No announcements, we’re just a bunch of guys who work out.

Naked Man Moleskin

Missed everyone, excited to be back out. Shout out to Rocky and Steamroller for picking up my 6 on helping out. Having other Site Q’s around is always a good thing.

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