12/11/2020 - Doughboy - Grass, cock and stairs
AO: Doughboy
When: 12/11/2020
Number of Pax: 14
Pax Names:
Oscar, Dry Rub, Pony, Stapler, Ron Burgundy, Kenny Rogers, D Minus, Squeakers, Elmer Fudd, Taps, Mulligan, Big Money, Mr. Pink, Kurds
Number of FNGS: 14
FNG Names: NA
QIC: Kurds
I kind of do the same stuff every time
20 heavy thrusts, 20 merkins, 20 burpees
The Thang
In 20-30 yard increments: heavy lunges, heavy throws, heavy lunges, heavy throws, heavy lunges, heavy throws, and then heavy lunges
Mosey to the phallus
20 heavy squats and 20 burpees
10 cock rings in cadence (from plank walk your feet up the wall (1-2-3-4), walk your feet down the wall (1-2-3-4), merkin (down), one)
Mosey down the steps to the North Flag
20 heavy thrusts, 10 merkins, 20 burpees
Mosey up the steps
20 heavy squats, 10 cock rings in cadence and 20 burpees
Mosey back to the flag
Circle of Trust
CSAUP Jan 9 at 5PM for a 4 hour ruck/BD led by Pony
Black Ops Sunday at English Landing in Parkville led by Mulligan
Bring a brown bag of stuff for Saturday
Naked Man Moleskin
When we were lunging and throwing the rocks from the South lawn toward the phallus, I looked back and loved seeing the PAX heaving and lunging together. We are getting stronger.
The Nantan led us up the steps after we were broken by the 3rd set of burpees; Pony led us to the final flag after we were broken down by the last cock ring and burpees. Squeakers went back for the 6 on the final stretch.
We went over by 3 minutes. That’s two workouts in a row that finished late. I need to improve the timing.
Coffee talk at Filling Station might not have been very intellectual, but it was stimulating.