12/04/2020 - Doughboy - Circle Jerk
AO: Doughboy
When: 12/04/2020
Number of Pax: 5
Pax Names:
Kenny Rogers, Ron Burgundy, Mulligan, Banana Boat, Taps
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: No FNG's present
QIC: Taps
Disclaimer and happy greetings from pax to YHC for being back out in the gloom after quarantine.
Mosey to the north side of monument where the lights were on at Union Station.
The Thang
3 circle runs starting from base of main stairs in front of the wall relief. Started with 5 six count burpees then running down the east path, halfway did 10 buprees, ran down to street and did 15 burpees, back up the west side path halfway up did 10 more burpees. Once back at the start, we did some cardio, 10 IC mountain climbers, 10 IC plank jacks, and 10 IC groiners. This 3 exo super set was done at the finish of each of the 3 rounds.
2nd round – same thing only did merkins at each stop, 15, 20, and 15.
3rd round – Bobby Hurleys, 10, 15, 10
Pax did some core leg holds, at 6 inches, then 45 degrees, then 90 degrees, 10 sec hold at each position, 2 sets.
Mosey back up the north side stairs to front of monument:
Pax did a plank crawl sideways down the stairs, then back up.
Pax finished with spidey crawl down, and bear crawl up.
Pax moseyed back to flag and sprinted last 100 yds.
No time for MoM.
Circle of Trust
Moment of silence for pax to remember what they hold dear and that we should treasure our time.
Naked Man Moleskin
Thanks to Banana Boat on the dozens of 10 counts with repeats for each one meaning the Q needed 20 seconds. Remember for you new Q’s, 10 counts can also be for you to catch a breath or to figure out what you want to do next. The pax will never know.