10/19/2020 - RabbitHole - Cats, KBs and a Hemsworth

AO: RabbitHole

When: 10/19/2020


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names:

Elmer Fudd, Hammer, Twinkie, Duct Tape, Half Baked, Sea Bass, Taps

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: No FNG's present

QIC: Taps


YHC had KBs and dumbbells waiting for the pax, disclaimer was pronounced and then we got busy.


I think we did some Michael Phelps but dont quote me on that

The Thang

Pax moseyd to quad for 6 rounds of exos in the quad and in between each round, pax ran up the pkg garage stairs (5 levels) on the east side ran across deck to go down the center stairs.

1 – Plyo Merkins off bench 25x, once back after garage run pax did SSH to the 6
2 – KB snatch/clean w/20-30 lbs KBs, 12 reps per arm, Mountain Climbers to the 6
3 – Explosion Merkins 20x, plank jack to the 6
4 – Renegade rows with KB, 20x per arm, goof balls to the six
5 – Cat jumps, 10 each to the L/R (YHC called Omaha at 8), high knees to the 6
6 – Squat curls, 10 reps, start w/KB on ground in sumo squat position, curl KB up to chest then stand up while pressing KB high above head, return slow, thats one rep

Pax then started at one end of the quad to do what YHC calls the Hemsworth…its basically in a bear crawl position you move forward with one and that leg kicks out to the side underneath the opposite hand and you jump from one hand to the other while twisting your leg out to the side each time, its very difficult and takes some coordination.

Pax moseyed back with the weights to the shovel flag for some MoM-
10 reps – on your 6 w/legs at 45 degrees, KB behind your head, lift KB up over chest for one count then back to behind head, very slow core movement, 2 count movement
10 reps – in six position take KB from chest or gut up to chest press position then bring feet up to touch KB, 2 count movement
20 reps – sumo squat position, just like squat curls but you dont stand up, in squat dont move legs at all you are curling the KB up to chest, all core, some arm

Circle of Trust

Prayers for 90210’s coworkers and others going through covid. YHC closed it out with a moment of silence.

Naked Man Moleskin

YHC was struggling with the cat jumps and the hemsworth, lot of cat positions in this workout. They challenge every part of the body as does getting up at 4:30, getting out of bed, getting in the car, and working out in the gloom all challenge us mentally, but it all feels damn good once your done.

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